Chestnut Honey

A scent of wood

The Chestnut trees of the highlands of the North of Portugal give us this special honey. With a wood scent, it has a characteristic taste given by the tree it originates from. It is sweet with salty notes, and it is different shades of brown in colour.

For your health

It’s very rich in mineral salts, iron and tannins. It improves blood circulation, varicose veins and capillary fragility.

Award Winning Honey

The Chestnut Honey was honored in the National Honey Competition of the National Agricultural Fair 2019 with the award "Gold Medal".

Region of production

See other honeys from the same region

Tagged under

See also

SEE TOO  1  2  3  4  5 

Forest Honey

Super honey Kids

Wild Lavender Honey

Honey is our passion

The advancement in technology has enabled many honey studies to prove and confirm that honey is an extraordinary and healthy food!


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