Super honey Kids

Honey instead of sugar

It’s a selection of the sweetest honeys of Portugal that will make the delight of your children, being the best sugar substitute for their health.
In a special squeeze bottle with a non-drip lid, it’s easy for them to lay the honey directly in the bread, milk, yogurts, mouth…

For your health

Please be aware that children under the age of 12 months should not consume honey, as it may cause botulism (food poisoning). Until that age, the babies have immature intestines and the Clostridium botulinum spores, existing in honey, can cause intoxication of the intestine.
From 12 months old, already with the immune intestine, it is perfectly healthy and prudent to consume honey.


In specially selected packaging, children can apply the honey directly from the packaging to bread, toast, milk, yoghurts and the mouth ... without leaving drops of honey.

Region of production

See other honeys from the same region

Tagged under

See also

SEE TOO  1  2  3  4  5 

Rosemary Honey

Wild Flowers Honey

Eucalyptus Honey

Honey is our passion

The advancement in technology has enabled many honey studies to prove and confirm that honey is an extraordinary and healthy food!


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